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Our Partners

Fostering long-term partnerships that create a lasting impact. Learning clubhouse collaborates closely with schools, charities, educational institutions, community organisations, and the private sector to benefit our community.

Learning Clubhouse has been privileged to collaborate with the University of Bradford (UoB) and the Bradford Achievement Forum (BAF) on a contract to support 50 borderline A to C GCSE students across the district. We aimed to ensure these students either met or exceeded their predicted grades, thereby providing them with a solid foundation in Maths, English, and Science.

We continue to work closely with various charities, enabling the children at Learning Clubhouse to make a significant impact on the lives of other children, both locally and internationally. Past events have included a charity bazaar in aid of the NSPCC, and more recently, a 12-hour trek across the Yorkshire Three Peaks to raise funds for Charity Right, an organisation that supports vulnerable children worldwide.

These partnerships with charities and organisations help us raise awareness of the most vulnerable people, both locally and globally. Our staff, students, parents, and the wider community come together to raise funds for these charities through various activities organised at our centre. We want the children to experience the profound sense of gratitude and humility that comes from fundraising and helping others.

Learning Clubhouse also collaborates with local newspapers to share our centre’s exciting events with the broader community. Keep an eye out for us in your local paper to see what the children have been up to recently.

In 2020, Learning Clubhouse partnered with Westbourne Primary School in Bradford and launched a second site. Being part of the Priestley Academy Trust has enabled us to further develop and enhance the facilities we offer, providing even better opportunities for our children to play and learn.

We strongly believe in the value of our partners’ services, which support us in raising standards and making excellence a habit.  We are proud to be associated with all our partners and firmly believe that the key to building a successful business lies in teamwork.

Register Your Child Now!

Submit your child’s application and we’ll contact you by phone to finalise the enrollment process, we accept applications for:

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    Your child's name*
    Your Email*
    Your Phone No*
    Select a service you wish to discuss*